About Travel from Cebu to our Pintuyan Dive Resort
One of our most frequently asked questions is how best to get from Cebu to our Pintuyan Dive Resort. Everyone has to answer this for themselves, as every traveler has different requirements.
It depends, for example, on what time you want to travel, as the fast ferries only run during the day and not at night, and the ferries almost only run at night. Or how quickly do you want to get to your destination? How much am I willing to pay for it. The other thing is, depending on where you arrive in Leyte, it is still many kilometers to our resort and the transfers with a private van to our resort are correspondingly expensive. For example, some guests take the night ferry from Cebu to Surigao and then a ferry from Surigao to Benit in the city of San Ricardo. This takes a lot of time, but has the advantage that you don't need a private van. By the way, you can also fly from Cebu to Tacloban (Leyte) or Surigao (Mindanao).
It is possible to travel from Cebu City to Ormoc with the fast ferry.
This can be done with Supercat or Ocenjet.
The other option is to travel from Cebu to Hilongos with the ferry company Roble, usually an overnight ferry.
It is possible to be picked up from Hilongos or Ormoc with a private transfer by van.
We do not organize transfers from Cebu to us.
We only organize transfers within our island of Leyte.